Last week the fine folks from Allegheny Cleanways Dumpbusters program continued their cleanup of our greenspace in the Pittsburgh neighborhood of Fineview. The big attraction was the garbage chute, which made it easier to get trash from the steep slopes of our greenspace into the dumpster! Check out more videos and pictures below from our Fineview Greenspace cleanup to enjoy the satisfying sights and sounds of garbage rolling downhill.
This is the next step in our cleaning and clearing of this unique viewshed so that it can be used for the public. We are working on assembling partners and funding to enlarge and modernize greenspace entrances, put in paths and a viewing area, and install signage.
This two acres of steep-slope property, partly owned by Scenic Pittsburgh and partly by the City of Pittsburgh, is an example of exactly the kind of greenspace we’d like to see more of. When completed, it will serve a community with limited access to other greenspace and will convert an unused liability into a vibrant scenic asset. We hope that this, our first greenspace, will serve as an example of what our creative approach to “places no one else wants” can offer to communities across southwestern Pennsylvania.
This trash pile is enormous. Allegheny Cleanways folks are adept at dealing with lot cleanups on steep-slope land like this. This pile represents only part of our greenspace. We’ll be doing more cleanups in the future. Dumpbusters folks at work. These cheerful garbage cans can hold a lot of trash. Our Assistant Director David Demko and Dani Kramer of Allegheny Cleanways. Let’s fill this dumpster! Volunteers and Allegheny Cleanways folks on the hillside. Every barrel of trash has to be weighed to get the total lbs picked up. It’s hard work, but the chute makes it more fun. A mossy and dilapidated couch. These steps will be cleaned and repaired to make an accessible entrance! The weirdest thing we found. Concrete lamp in urn shape, we guess? Take a look at this view.