Scenic America is proud to join in celebrating the extraordinary legacy of Ellen “Ellie” Harvey Kelly, one of our founding members and a lifelong advocate for scenic beauty and environmental conservation. The Garden Club of America (GCA) has announced the establishment of a prestigious new national honor: the Ellen Harvey Kelly Medal for Advocacy.
This award, endowed by Ellie’s family, admirers, and members of the St. George’s Garden Club in Baltimore, MD, will recognize individuals who demonstrate exceptional advocacy aligned with the mission of the GCA—promoting gardening knowledge and love, supporting conservation, and working to protect the environment through education and civic action.
Ellie, who passed away in November 2023 at the age of 94, was a tireless advocate for conservation at every level—from testifying before Congress in support of landmark legislation like the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act, to rallying grassroots support for the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, which safeguarded 104 million acres and created ten new national parks. For this achievement, she was recognized by President Jimmy Carter in 1980.
A passionate opponent of billboard blight, Ellie was one of three founding members of the Coalition for Scenic Beauty, which would later become Scenic America. She also founded Scenic Baltimore and helped lead efforts to preserve Maryland’s scenic spaces and open lands. Her work at the state level ensured critical funding for Program Open Space, and her dedication to protecting the Chesapeake Bay and scenic values across the region earned her numerous awards, including the Valleys Planning Council’s McHarg Award and the GCA’s Margaret Douglas Medal.
Ellie’s visionary leadership left a lasting mark with the creation of the GCA’s National Affairs and Legislation Conference (NAL), which has educated and empowered generations of conservation advocates since its founding in 1968. Ellie famously encouraged others with the mantra: “We need to do more than just send postcards!”
The Ellen Harvey Kelly Medal will be awarded annually as merited beginning in 2026 and may be presented to both GCA members and nonmembers. It will be formally awarded at the Garden Club of America’s Annual Meeting.
Scenic America is especially honored to note that current board member Lindsay Marshall, also a member of the St. George’s Garden Club, was introduced to Scenic America through Ellie. Her legacy continues to grow through the countless individuals she inspired to fight for the beauty and health of our natural world.
We extend our deepest gratitude to the Garden Club of America and the St. George’s Garden Club for ensuring that Ellie’s legacy of advocacy will live on through this medal. Her indomitable spirit and unwavering commitment to scenic conservation remain a guiding light for all of us at Scenic America.