Why Scenic Conservation?
Snickersville Pike VA by Skip Stuart Creative Commons

Why Scenic Conservation?

At Scenic America, we believe that all people deserve to live, work, and play in beautiful places. Scenic beauty improves our quality of life. Beauty is good for our minds and bodies, and it’s also good for business.

Scenic America is the only national nonprofit organization committed to protecting the scenic qualities of our communities and landscapes.


Fighting Blight

We lead the fight against visual pollution: billboards, utility wires, irresponsible development, rampant signage, and other eyesores that damage the aesthetics of our neighborhoods and stifle our economic opportunities.

Protecting Beauty

We celebrate parks and open spaces, trees and native plantings, communities with character, beautiful highways and scenic byways, and resilient communities with infrastructure buried underground.

Cultivating a Scenic Future

Scenic conservation is critically important as cities and towns expand and grow. New development should respect the special character of a community, and it should create more economic opportunities and quality of life enhancements for its residents. Roads and transportation corridors should be free from unsafe and distracting signage. Communities should promote resilience and safety by burying their utility infrastructure underground. And we should all embrace our roles in preserving and protecting our natural environment.


Scenic America collaborates with 46 chapters and affiliates nationwide.


There are more than 400,000 billboard faces across the country.


32 states allow outdoor advertising companies to cut down publicly owned trees.

Stats: [46] Scenic America collaborates with 46 chapters and affiliates nationwide. | [400K] There are more than 400,000 billboard faces across the country. And as many as 20% are illegal or non-compliant. We support communities fighting billboard blight. | [32] 32 states allow outdoor advertising companies to cut down publicly owned trees simply for better billboard visibility. We want to change this.

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Scenic America’s mission is to preserve and enhance the visual character and scenic beauty of America. Learn more about our key issues and how you can get more involved.

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