Scenic America is thrilled to announce the election of Elizabeth Hopley to our Board of Directors. Elizabeth, a passionate advocate for scenic conservation and infrastructure improvement, was elected during the winter 2024 board meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, held in conjunction with Scenic Symposium 2024.
Elizabeth’s journey with Scenic America began in 2019 when she attended the Garden Club of America’s National Affairs and Legislation Conference. There, she was inspired by a presentation from Scenic America President Mark Falzone, who spoke on key legislative initiatives, including the critical need for undergrounding utility wires. “As one of the most advanced nations in the world, our overhead infrastructure is not reflective of where we are as a county,” Elizabeth recalls thinking after returning to the United States from Germany, where underground infrastructure is the norm.
A longtime resident of Greenwich, CT, Elizabeth has made remarkable strides in her community to promote scenic conservation. She is a member of the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) in Greenwich, where she advocates for undergrounding utility wires, beautifying streetscapes, and protecting the town’s natural character. She is also working on a significant initiative to underground powerlines along Route 1—a project she envisions as a legacy for her state.
Elizabeth also serves on the board of the Greenwich Tree Society, where she champions the preservation of tree canopies and fights visual clutter caused by overhead powerlines. “There are so many benefits to trees—not just their visual and beautifying qualities but also their cooling effects and carbon sequestration benefits,” she states. “When you need to cut down or cut back trees for powerlines that are crisscrossing over the streets, it has a negative mental impact as well.”
Her dedication to scenic beauty is deeply rooted in her upbringing. Raised by the water in Massachusetts and having spent her high school years in a picturesque German village, Elizabeth has always cherished her surroundings. After a career in the fashion industry, her move to Greenwich reignited her love for nature and inspired her to get involved with the Greenwich Land Trust and the Garden Club of America. “I’ve always appreciated the natural balance of our surroundings and the pride that comes with preserving places where we can hike, drive through, and enjoy.”
Elizabeth has also contributed to advocacy through her writing, including articles for local papers and the Garden Club of America’s ConWatch magazine. She has met with countless legislators, representing the Connecticut Advocates for Trees (CAT) and other groups, to push for legislative action on undergrounding and infrastructure improvements.
Joining Scenic America’s board is a natural step in her conservation journey. “The visual clutter across our country is shameful. It doesn’t represent what America is—a country of innovation and growth,” Hopley adds. “Why are we not upgrading to what Europe has had for decades?” She also hopes to bring momentum to Scenic America’s efforts against billboard blight, which she sees as a direct threat to community character. “Everywhere cannot be Times Square. Flashing billboards dominate the environment and compromise the beauty of our neighborhoods.”
Elizabeth’s vision for Scenic America aligns perfectly with our mission to preserve and enhance the visual character of America’s communities. As she puts it, “Our scenic byways are a critical resource. They add a sense of place to our communities, and that kind of beauty needs to be encouraged across the country. I love the mission of Scenic America and am proud to be part of an organization that aligns with my principles and priorities.”
We are honored to welcome Elizabeth Hopley to our board and look forward to her contributions as we continue our work to protect and promote the beauty of America.