Scenic Heroes: Ruth Becker

Environmental Pioneer Gave Scenic America its First Home Scenic America co-founders Charlie Floyd, Ruth Becker, and Martha Fuller Clark (in honor of her mother, Marion… Read More

Scenic Heroes: Hal Kassoff

Making (and Taking) the Scenic Route: Kassoff’s Expertise Shapes Scenic America’s Transportation Focus Throughout his 50+-year career in transportation planning and management, longtime Scenic America… Read More

Scenic News from Knoxville

Knoxville Adopts New Sign Standards, Establishes Tree Bank Thanks to the diligent work of Scenic Knoxville, the Knoxville City Council recently… Read More

Legislative Update: August 2021

Scenic America Celebrates Wins for Scenic Priorities in House & Senate Surface Transportation Reauthorization Bills As Congress works toward a final version of the surface… Read More