Scenic Walton is excited to announce Leigh Moore is the new Executive Director of the organization. Moore served as President of Scenic Walton’s Board of Directors for four years, while also heading the Community Affairs efforts of Howard Group.
“I’m thrilled to devote my full attention to Scenic Walton,” she said. “Walton County is a wonderful place to live and visit. Scenic Walton works to make the experience safer and more beautiful for everyone while improving quality of life. It’s a mission we can all get behind and support.”
In addition to serving as the Executive Director for Scenic Walton, she also volunteers as Vice Chair of the Scenic America Board of Directors, a Board and Executive Committee member of Citizens for a Scenic Florida, the Chair of the Visit South Walton Destination Improvement Committee, and a member of the Walton County Design Review Board and the Walton Area Chamber Government Affairs Committee.
Scenic Walton’s current projects include seeking funding for pedestrian and cyclist facility installation and median landscaping and advocating for the minimization of Small Cell/5G towers, the undergrounding of overhead utilities and improvements to development guidelines for primary transportation corridors.
Scenic Walton is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. To become an investor and help us with our cause, please visit our site at scenicwalton.org.