Sand Harbor Lake by Stephen Crane

Scenic Nevada

Research and Reports

A growing body of research and statistics is demonstrating the safety and environmental concerns associated with visual blight. Explore our resources below, or contact us for more information.

Comparing Billboard Brightness Levels

The billboard industry is pushing digital signs at three times the brightness levels as traditional billboards at nighttime. Many municipalities, counties, and NDOT have adopted these standards. In 2014, the Veridian Group concluded a study in the Truckee Meadows that compares brightness levels of digital and non-digital signs at night and proposes different standards to regulate digital signs.

Read Part I of the Report

The report was delivered in two parts, with the second part adding further insights and details.

Read Part II of the Report

The Veridian Group’s Jerry Wachtel also responded to a series of questions from local planners about using the equipment, measuring distances, and brightness measurements of local signs in the report.

Read the Responses


Additional Resources

Scenic America houses additional research and resources regarding the impact of billboards and other scenic blight concerns.

Key reports include:

2010 Study: Illuminating the Issues

This 2010 study provides additional information about digital billboard impacts.

Read the Report


Billboard Research and Resources

View Scenic America’s digital billboard research and resources illustrating the negative impacts of digital billboards on community safety, the environment, and property values.

View the Resources